- Open April 1st
- Starting June 15th through labor day open daily
- Closed October 1st
- Hours are subject to change, please call the Marina for more info
- Fully protected with a 600 ft. long break wall
- There are 25ft., 32ft., 36ft. and 40ft. slips available.
- With 47 boat slips total, there are:
- 36 seasonal slips
- 11 reservation transient (Reservation for transient docking begins April 1st of each calendar year)

Service Fee
Daily Launch Pass
Seasonal Launch Pass -Baileys Harbor Property Owner
Seasonal Launch Pass - Non Baileys Harbor Property Owner
Commercial Seasonal Launch Pass*
Sanitary Pump Out
35' boat or less: $8.00; greater than 35' boat: $12.00
Ice - 7 lb bag
Ice - 20 lb bag
Ice Block - 10 lbs
Bottled Water
Laundry Services
Daily Slip Rental
$ 2.50/per foot of boat
Seasonal Slip Rental
$72.00 /per foot of slip
* proof of liability insurance and a captain's license is required for our commercial seasonal launch pass.
All of the above mentioned fees are due and payable upon receipt of the stated service unless other arrangements have been made with the Harbor Master and a specific due date has been established. A late payment charge of 1.5% but not less than $0.50 will be assessed on a monthly basis for all fees not paid within 30 days of the due date.