Town of Baileys Harbor Emergency Response

2404 Park Rd.
Non-emergency: (920) 839-9411
For all emergencies please remember to dial 911
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Baileys Harbor Fire and Rescue
Department Mission
To protect the residents and visitors of the Town of Baileys Harbor through Fire Protection, Prevention and Training.
Our Department consists of a 1993 Seagrave Rescue/Pumper, a 2006 Marian Pumper, a 2001 (3,100Gallon) Freightliner Tanker, a 1996 (2,000 Gallon) Freightliner Tanker, a 2011 Custom Ford Brush Truck, a Polaris Six-Wheeler set up with a Pump and Rescue Skid, a 2014 Chevrolet Truck set up for rescue work and a 27 foot Silverships Water Rescue Boat.
General Information
Baileys Harbor Fire and Rescue lies in the center of the Door Peninsula. “Peninsula Center” The department covers approximately 32 Square Miles, 26 Miles of Lake Michigan Shoreline, and two inland lakes. Baileys Harbor Fire and Rescue is part of a mutual aid agreement with all of the Northern Door Departments as well as a Automatic Aid Agreement with the Ephraim and Gibraltar Fire Departments. We are called “Mid Door” and protect the “Heart of the Peninsula.”
Fire meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the Baileys Harbor Fire Station and every third Tuesday of the month on a rotating basis with the Mid-Door Departments.
Burning Permits are required in the Town of Baileys Harbor and are issued on a daily basis and are good for the date of issuance only.